
Monday, October 21, 2013

Help me choose the November giveaway!!

Ok so the last giveaway was a huge hit, you guys went nuts over the Le Creuset giveaway (heck - I don't blame you - I tried to enter myself, but my hubby said that was cheating... ughh he is such a rule follower lol).  So I decided to team up with my fellow bloggers again offering another giveaway - woot woot!
But, we need your help!  We can’t decide what to give away next month, we all love kitchen tools, but we decided to throw in a few more enticing items - I think you all will be pleasantly surprised.
So, click on the links and comment below with just the option number so we can quickly tally!
Where applicable you’ll of course be able to pick a color!
Help Me Choose the November Giveaway!
Option 1- $350 -

Why do I have a sneaking suspicion Option #1 and #5 will be the top of the list for you guys?  


Thank you for your comments - if you do not have a Google ID or other type of ID from the drop down menu, choose the Name/URL option. Then just type your name (you can leave the URL area blank)